Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How to Make Math Interesting for Preschoolers

Math skills are vital for daily living as well as a wide variety of high earning careers in the fields of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology. Math education should start as early as preschool. It's critical to introduce math as a fun, engaging subject from a young age. The following tactics will help you with this process:

making maths interesting for preschoolers

•   Spark curiosity: One of the best things that parents and teachers can do for young children is nurturing their curious nature. Make a point of modeling curious behavior, such as asking questions about your surroundings.

•   Apply math to real life situations: Kids of all ages learn best when they understand how they can use their new skills. From making cookies to conducting science experiments, there are numerous ways to integrate math into the preschool curriculum.

•  Teach practical skills: What sort of math skills is meaningful to preschoolers? For example, maybe they'd like to know how much allowance they have to save to purchase a new toy or book.

•   Make it into a game: Games are a great way to review math skills. As you assess varying math games, make sure that they are both educational and fun.

•   Work it into daily discussions: It is not hard to find opportunities to talk about math during a wide variety of regular preschool activities. For example, discuss how there is a pattern of sunny and rainy days on the monthly weather chart.

•  Use engaging materials: Colorful, high quality, and interactive materials. These types of materials, such as wooden pattern blocks, make learning math fun for everyone. Think about using food items periodically as well, such as counting and sorting gummy bears.

•   Offer a challenge: Nothing is more validating than succeeding at a tough challenge. Look for ways to push kids beyond their current skill sets without making them too frustrated.